Jawatan Kosong Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Disember 2013

Closing Date : 06 Disember 2013 – Jawatan Kosong Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Disember 2013 Terkini
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the national university of Malaysia was born from the aspirations of the nationalists to uphold the Malay Language as a language of knowledge. The quest for a national university was suggested in 1923 by the writer Abdul Kadir Adabi as a move against British colonisation. This nationalist tide galvanised Malay intellectuals of the time but met British suppression. The nationalists never wavered and in 1969 the movement again blossomed. A Sponsoring Committee chaired by Syed Nasir Ismail, a Malay intellectual, was set up to prepare a report recommending the establishment of UKM. Other prominent members of this committee include Dr. Mahathir Mohamed (Tun), Malaysia’s 5th Prime Minister who was then the Education Minister, and Dr. Mohd Rashdan Haji Baba, who later became UKM’s first Vice Chancellor.

Jawatan Kosong Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Disember 2013 :

  • Pemandu Kenderaan R3
  • Pegawai Pemulihan Perubatan U41
  • Pustakawan S41
  • Pegawai Psikologi (Klinikal) S41
  • Juruteknologi Pergigian U29
  • Penolong Pegawai Perubatan U29
  • Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat F29
  • Penolong Pengurus Asrama N27
  • Pembantu Setiausaha Pejabat N17
  • Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi) N17
  • Pegawai Dietitik U41
  • Pengurus Asrama N41


http://jawatankosong2013.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/tag.png Tags : jawatan kosong pembantu perubatan uitmjawatan kosong majlis lhdn terkinijawatan kosong setiausaha ukmkerajaan n41kerani spp 2013
